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Trends in Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management is by far the most advanced form of enterprise logistics development. Although supply chain management is very complex, and dynamic and changeable, many enterprises have already gained rich experience and achieved remarkable results in the practice of supply chain management. The current development of supply chain management is showing some obvious trends:
1、Time and speed
More and more companies recognize that time and speed are one of the key factors affecting market competitiveness. For example, in the IT industry, most PC manufacturers at home and abroad use Intel's CPU, so how to ensure the installation of Intel's newly launched CPU in the first time becomes a natural choice for each PC manufacturer to gain competitiveness. In short, in the supply chain environment, time and speed have been regarded as the main source of improving the competitive advantage of enterprises, and the procrastination of one link often affects the operation of the whole supply chain. Each enterprise in the supply chain realizes the close connection of logistics and information flow between them through various means, in order to achieve the purpose of quick response to the requirements of the final customers, reduce the cost of inventory, and improve the overall competitiveness of the supply chain.
2、Quality and asset productivity
Supply chain management involves many links, which need to be interlocked and ensure the quality of each link. Any link, such as the quality of transportation services, will directly affect the number of suppliers, the number of distributors warehousing, and ultimately affect the user's evaluation of product quality, timeliness and price. Nowadays, more and more companies believe that logistics quality innovation is evolving into a powerful force for improving supply chain performance. On the other hand, manufacturers are increasingly concerned about the productivity of their assets. Improving asset productivity is not only focusing on reducing inventory within the organization, but more importantly, reducing inventory in the supply chain channel. The trend of supply chain management requires companies to cooperate and share data to reduce inventory throughout the supply chain channel.
3、Organization streamlining
The type and number of supply chain members is the direct cause of the complexity of supply chain management. In the current supply chain development trend, more and more enterprises began to consider reducing the number of logistics providers, and this trend is very obvious and rapid. For example, multinational clients prefer to outsource their global logistics supply chain to a few, ideally one, logistics provider. Because this is not only conducive to the management, but also conducive to the provision of a unified standard service on a global scale, better showing the whole set of advantages of global supply chain management.
4、Customer service
More and more supply chain members begin to pay real attention to customer service and customer satisfaction. Traditionally, the measurement is based on "order lead time", "percentage of complete orders", etc., but now it is more emphasized on the customer's feeling about the service level, and the measurement of the service level is also based on it as a criterion. The result of this shift in focus on customer service is that the relationship with the logistics company is emphasized and the logistics company is viewed as a partner in providing a high level of service.
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